Monday, October 13, 2008

Me, myself and my blog

Its been like that song in the movie "Guna" for me. I decide on some topic to write and ideas start to flow in and I will be thrilled that I am gonna write about such things. Words just flow like the river Brahmaputra flowing throughout the year and it reaches a point where it floods my mind (like Brahmaputra flooding Bangladesh). I decide to write these stuff down in my blog and when I log in to my blog, I lose almost half of the idea about what to write and by the type I am logged in , the idea trickles like water drops trickling in taps in Chennai and When I have clicked the "new post" in my blog , I am almost blank in my mind and I wonder What was I thinking the previous minute. I look bewildered, strange , confused and atlast angry at myself. Its like a memory loss in the movie "Memento". Then I abandon the thought of writing and go through all the blog posts in my blog roll and enjoy and I log out. At the end of the day, I forget to write about the topic I was thinking and the next day, I get all these ideas again and (this post goes on in an infinite loop, so continue reading from the top of the post)