Monday, October 13, 2008

Me, myself and my blog

Its been like that song in the movie "Guna" for me. I decide on some topic to write and ideas start to flow in and I will be thrilled that I am gonna write about such things. Words just flow like the river Brahmaputra flowing throughout the year and it reaches a point where it floods my mind (like Brahmaputra flooding Bangladesh). I decide to write these stuff down in my blog and when I log in to my blog, I lose almost half of the idea about what to write and by the type I am logged in , the idea trickles like water drops trickling in taps in Chennai and When I have clicked the "new post" in my blog , I am almost blank in my mind and I wonder What was I thinking the previous minute. I look bewildered, strange , confused and atlast angry at myself. Its like a memory loss in the movie "Memento". Then I abandon the thought of writing and go through all the blog posts in my blog roll and enjoy and I log out. At the end of the day, I forget to write about the topic I was thinking and the next day, I get all these ideas again and (this post goes on in an infinite loop, so continue reading from the top of the post)


Unknown said...

Ha ha, dude, just start writing. Close that citrix stuff. And by the way, that picture on my blog is for real, from a real place called Halle in western Germany :)) Thats why I said it could join the windows vista screen savers, or whatever soul saving version they release from here on.

Mc Neill Ivan said...

@padma iyenghar,

How did you get my blog link? Surprise !! Surprise!! thanks for visiting. I didnt open citrix yesterday, but may have to open it today as something big is on the horizon for us.:(

Unknown said...

Yeah, I got your blog link. You cannot hide anything in internet these days :)

Mc Neill Ivan said...

@padma iyenghar,

I think my orkut profile had the blog link..

Unknown said...

No, I did not get it from your orkut. I did not visit your profile, you can cross-check :)) He he!

Samba said...

Inference from this post:
You read too much about Brahmaputra and You watch too many movies.

Isn't this also a kind of writer's block that you'd mentioned when you were here?

Sooraj said...

Well, I seem to have overcome this blocing for a short while bro, with certain amount of credit to you.

Check me blog.

P.S. Yup, Mandark is my profile picture. Please refer my blog's title for further clarifications.