Friday, August 12, 2011

Life! Friends!

Strange. I always thought of my life to be a vast empty space. It got cheerful when I started to have friends during the last year at school. I have always been moody and grim at most of the times. I am not the best of person to be with when someone needs comforting words. I don't speak much so one can almost consider me a as a dumb person. The inclusion of friends into my life has changed my life a lot.
With friends coming to my life, I become more cheerful (still less talkative), at least I felt a ray a happiness coming to my darkest part of my heart. My time with my friends has been more cheerful than the ones with my family. Those golden ages at Benhur's house, Daniel's house, Adil's house, 18/11, Topa's house, Sats' house, Manoj's house gave me the most happiest moments in my life. I ll cherish those days for many more years to come. The problem starts there, if you stay the same way (being all alone and keeping it to yourself) all the time, you wont have to worry about the pain about separation from them, but once you get used to that and when the time comes for separation, it pains a lot and it remains forever.
The two years in Finland might have given me the pleasure of touring Europe, but it came at a cost where I was totally cut off from my friends. I missed a lot of my friends wedding and other functions. I had some consolation of being with my friend. Well then I get married and now I got to move very far away from my friends. I might not have the usual meet with my friends during the weekend, not much movie and not much enjoyment. Life drags to my old self where I was without any friends.
As I start my new journey in my life, my priorities are changed which forces me to sacrifice certain things which are closer to my heart. I cannot fathom the reality that I am going to move out of the current locality which has given me so much beautiful experience. I dont know where life drags me on from here, I dont want to think about the future and just enjoy the present for as long as I can. I may lose out on enjoying this locality, but I take with me my glorious thoughts about the time I had here and the pain of leaving it behind.


Samba said...

Moving? Where to?

Abishek Goda said...

didn't know you blogged here :)

the way you put it seems to say marriage is a kind of a depressing way to move on with life. you may want to look at it as having found a new friend, who you do not know fully yet but is going to go with your whims and fancies for a long time to come. such a thought, might make the other separation seem manageable. or so i guess :D

Unknown said...


Mc Neill Ivan said...

@PI: Moved to Chromepet.