Thursday, January 24, 2008

Hectic Weekend

Phew... This weekend is going to be hectic. Arun K is coming to chennai. I am going to meet him after a long time .Guess what, he has got from '6' IIM calls :-). I will be meeting him. He wants to meet on saturday evening which may be difficult as there is Odyssey quiz. Let's see.

I have to meet Topa this weekend. He asked me to come to Saarang for Lucky Ali's show (I think!!!) on sunday night. Besides that I have to attend Odyssey Quiz on Saturday night. After the quiz, I may go and watch the Lone Wolf Quiz (Saarang) finals. The quiz starts roughly aroung and closes when the quiz master sees the first ray of sunlight. The guy who is leading will be anointed as the Lone wolf champion.

Sunday is even more hectic. I have to decide properly or I may miss the events for the day. Its Renny's marriage on sunday. I may go in the morning and after that I have to attend the qfi meeting. I don't know how I am going to manage both. In the evening, I have to accompany Topa for the saarang show.

I watched two cracking movies in the past one week.

The Quiet Earth - Science fiction movies. For some part of the movie it reminded I am Legend and Castaway. Nice movie and good acting from Bruno Campbell.

Delicatessan - An Italian comedy. Again the acting was superb. The direction was precise. Not too long or not too short.

Might slip in a couple of movies this weekend amidst this tight schedule.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm flattered to be mentioned in your blog! :)