Monday, August 04, 2008

Crouching Gecko , Hidden Talent

I saw something interesting a week back. A gecko near the tubelight was busy devouring flies. I was watching it for around five minutes and something peculiar. I saw it going backwards , from my point of view it looked as if it was crouching like a tiger. I have never seen geckos going backwards. Can it happen? I have seen gecko running when my father was chasing them with a broomstick, they actually turn around to the direction in which they want to flee and scamper to their safety (or get killed by the beating from the broomsticks) , but I have never seen them take a step backwards. I am not sure if my eyes decieved me. I am not sure if it is possible for a gecko to move a step backwards.

1 comment:

Preetha said...

they keep adapting